Mont Saint Michel es una comuna francesa de la baja Normandía. Es una isla rocosa que debe su nombre a la abadía consagrada al culto del arcángel San Miguel. Su arquitectura prodigiosa y su maravillosa bahía lo hacen el sitio turístico más concurrido de Normandía. Declarado monumento histórico en 1862 y desde 1979 como patrimonio de la humanidad por la Unesco.
El monte Saint Michel es un gran islote de granito situado en el centro de una inmensa bahía bañada por las mayores mareas de Europa; estas mareas contribuyen a hacer del monte una gran fortaleza inexpugnable. Se ha convertido en un lugar emblemático.
Si vas de vacaciones a Normandía o Bretaña, el monte Saint Michel es parada obligatoria en las vacaciones. A demás de visitar la abadía ( cuesta 9 euros la entrada )y de recorrer sus empinadas calles, lo que más merece a pena ver es la subida de las mareas. La subida de las mareas es anunciada por megaonía durante unas horas antes de que llegue a su nivel máximo. Si pensáis en visitar este lugar, os recomiendo que eches un vistazo a los horarios de las mareas para poder disfrutar de este espectáculo.
Desde que estoy en París ha sido una de las visitas más deseadas, y por fin he podido cumplir este objetivo hace un par de semanas. El monte Saint Michel tiene bien merecida su fama y os garantizo que no os decepcionará en absoluto; es un lugar único.
Mont Saint Michel is a French commune of Lower Normandy. It is a rocky island that owes its name to the consecrated to the worship of the Archangel Michael Abbey. His prodigious architecture and its beautiful bay make it the most popular tourist site in Normandy. Historical monument in 1862 and since 1979 as World Heritage by UNESCO.
The Mont Saint Michel is a large granite island located in the center of a vast bay with the highest tides in Europe; these tides contribute to make the ride a great impregnable fortress. It has become a landmark.
If you go on holiday to Normandy or Brittany, Mont Saint Michel is obligatory stop on the holiday. A visit other Abbey (costs 9 euros entry) and explore its steep streets, which deserves more worth seeing is the rise of the tides. Rising tide is announced by megaonía for a few hours before it reaches its peak. If you think about visiting this place, I recommend you take a look at the times of the tides to enjoy this show.
Since I'm in Paris has been one of the most desirable views, and I've finally been able to achieve this goal a couple of weeks ago. Mount Saint Michel has earned its fame and I guarantee you will not be disappointed at all; It is a unique place.
We started !!
Chaqueta-abrigo/MASSIMO DUTTI
Sólo puedo decir que ha sido una visita inolvidable.
Feliz semana!
I can only say that it was a memorable visit.
Happy week!
Desde que estoy en París ha sido una de las visitas más deseadas, y por fin he podido cumplir este objetivo hace un par de semanas. El monte Saint Michel tiene bien merecida su fama y os garantizo que no os decepcionará en absoluto; es un lugar único.
Mont Saint Michel is a French commune of Lower Normandy. It is a rocky island that owes its name to the consecrated to the worship of the Archangel Michael Abbey. His prodigious architecture and its beautiful bay make it the most popular tourist site in Normandy. Historical monument in 1862 and since 1979 as World Heritage by UNESCO.
The Mont Saint Michel is a large granite island located in the center of a vast bay with the highest tides in Europe; these tides contribute to make the ride a great impregnable fortress. It has become a landmark.
If you go on holiday to Normandy or Brittany, Mont Saint Michel is obligatory stop on the holiday. A visit other Abbey (costs 9 euros entry) and explore its steep streets, which deserves more worth seeing is the rise of the tides. Rising tide is announced by megaonía for a few hours before it reaches its peak. If you think about visiting this place, I recommend you take a look at the times of the tides to enjoy this show.
Since I'm in Paris has been one of the most desirable views, and I've finally been able to achieve this goal a couple of weeks ago. Mount Saint Michel has earned its fame and I guarantee you will not be disappointed at all; It is a unique place.
We started !!
Chaqueta-abrigo/MASSIMO DUTTI
Sólo puedo decir que ha sido una visita inolvidable.
Feliz semana!
I can only say that it was a memorable visit.
Happy week!